“... do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.”
It’s time to begin.
The United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund facilitates several programs that support the development phase of projects and enterprises, including the Adese Fellowship, Redeem!, and Partners in Vision.
The Adese Fellowship
The Adese Fellowship is a catalytic experience for emerging entrepreneurs who renew the Church's mission to create a just world for all.
The Adese (from the Amharic language meaning to renew, pronounced ah-deh-say) Fellowship is a year-long, ecumenical program that engages participants in self-discovery, theological reflection and business development as they create enterprises that help their communities follow the way of Jesus and live into God's economy. This groundbreaking fellowship maximizes the business acumen and entrepreneurial capacity of participants to launch scaleable and sustainable ventures that counter systemic poverty.
Redeem! is a sequence of neighborhood redevelopment initiatives designed to incite comprehensive transformation in selected host cities, counties, and/or regions in the United States. In each Redeem! host location, national and local lead partners work together with churches and other faith organizations, local community development corporations, philanthropists, investors, government officials, planners, developers, and neighborhood leaders to identify and redevelop a concentration of properties (including at least one church-owned parcel) in a high-poverty neighborhood.
The developments may include any combination of mixed-income residential, industrial, commercial and/or retail uses that would offer opportunities to local residents for entrepreneurship, employment, and/or housing. Properties selected are in locations that once redeveloped, would leverage continuing investment and development beyond the Redeem! development, resulting in significant, measurable, sustainable transformation of the neighborhood and region.

The Mission of Redeem!
To create partnerships that focus and direct resources to high-potential, sustainable, neighborhood development projects in low income and poor communities in the United States.

Partners in Vision
The Partners in Vision program offers planning and technical assistance on major projects involving church property. We help your church create a plan that is resourceful, sustainable, creative and mission focused—assisting with project management, pre-development, repurposing church owned property that is unused or underused, planning complex projects and charting a course for real estate in transition.